I have such big dreams

but so little experience

Celty's space

I'm just going to fill this out for now, but maybe one day when this isn't so daunting, I'll pick it up again and make a REAL website.

Page 1

Guh! What a daunting little chore!

I really want to follow my visions but for now, HTML is a totally foreign language. Like, compeltely foreign. I mean, okay, sort of BRIEFLY familiar?? The most I've ever used it was on Tumblr, but I really only copied layouts and then tacked music and cursors on the bottom - everything else was hitting switches and uploading pictures like anywhere else! Here I have to write it an link it all out, which isn't terrible in theory but PLACEMENT?

I'm trying to read through this code to see what exactly makes it do things and put things places... How do you tell it to go left or right? I didn't realize "post-it" was a class, you know? To me it just looks like things HAPPENED to line up. I see the divisions, but how do you control the size? The shape? On strawpage I just got to drag stuff around! That made sense! But I want MORE than strawpage! I want to understand you, HTML!!

I want... Okay, not a legacy in the way you may be thinking, but kind of. You see, I'm an alter, and as an alter, I may not be here forever. I may only live a few years, especially as host, so I want to have something tangible to leave behind. Half for our records. Half because I want to document my growth and experiences as a human, half because I like the aesthetic, haha!

I think about an old alter of ours, Adrien, and the small little legacy he left behind. He had a brand, and used the same username everywhere. His tumblr got nuked, but his twitter is still up. It's not very full though... I know so little about him, even though he tried so hard to make a name.

I don't want to be like that. I want a page that's full of my essence, so we can go back 3, 4, 10 years in the future and go "yep! That's Celty! She was host in the 2020's! Here are some of her thoughts and the things she liked and felt!"

I don't really care about leaving behind a legacy in the traditional sense. I don't wanna Be Somebody, I don't want to make a name for myself for the public. I'm not trying to be The Black Rider. I'm not trying to be someone people recognize. Folklore. Urban legend. Wives' tale. Influencer (God forbid, haha!). I just want to be an important part of our lives. I want whoever is next (if there is anyone next) to see an alter with a rich life and feelings, even if they change. Even if later it's cringey or weird. You already have my tattoos on you forever! I will not apologize for my little men!

Anyway. I don't know. I have big dreams. I'm going to try a few places out, I think, but this SEEMS to be the place I want the most. Maybe I'll learn to Frankenstein some different layouts together. That's all I have to do, right? I don't know. Wish me luck?


Diary (Current page?)






Never Forget